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Malawi Institute of Education

The Malawi Institute of Education is the nation’s curriculum development centre. Established as a Government subvented parastatal in 1979 by order Government Notice No. 60, 1979 under Education Act Chapter 30. 01. MIE has been operational since 1982. MIE is mandated to design, develop, monitor, and evaluate the national school and primary teacher education curricular and provide continuing professional development to education personnel. In addition, the Institute is mandated to publish and evaluate curriculum materials and undertake educational research.

2024/25 Academic Calendar

Current Projects

Malawi Upper Reading Project funded by USAID being implemented by MIE
Early Grade Reading in Malawi project
Training Complex
Construction of a training complex for Teachers continual professional development

Our Services

Head Masters trained in leadership
0 K+
Curriculum Specialists
0 +
Teachers Trained
0 K+
Source Books written
0 +
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