Invincible and indubitable pre-primary curriculum

By David Benjamin

(What must be done?)

To address the nation’s concerns regarding the low quality of education in Malawi, some societies believe that the issue stems from children not receiving a quality education in lower primary school. Conversely, others argue that the root cause lies in the inadequate training of teachers and the lack of resources in general. However, research from other countries suggests that pre-primary education plays a significant role in the intellectual development and success of children.

According to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number four (SDG4), education should ensure inclusive and equitable access to quality education for all. Moreover, the goals and objectives of the National Education Policy (NEP) and the National Education Sector Investment Plan (NESIP) 2020 – 2030 emphasize the importance of expanding equitable access to education, improving its quality and relevance, and enhancing governance and management. These goals align with the objectives of the 2063 (MW2063) development agenda.

Parents or guardians aspire for their children to develop sound minds and healthy bodies by acquiring appropriate knowledge, skills, and desirable attitudes that will enable them to lead productive and fulfilling lives. Therefore, education should help learners cultivate high standards of competency, social conduct, and attitude.

In light of these considerations, it is evident that an invincible and indubitable pre-primary curriculum is the key to meeting societal expectations for improved educational quality in the nation. In this regard, the Ministry of Education, through the Malawi Institute of Education (MIE), has initiated the development of a curriculum that will bridge the gap between early childhood development and lower primary education. This endeavor commenced with the establishment of a National Task Force for Early Childhood Education programs, which convened in Dedza on May 4th, 2023. Representatives from the Ministry of Education-Basic Education, Ministry of Gender, Next Generation, and the MIE were present at the meeting. The resolutions made during this gathering laid the foundation for the development of a comprehensive curriculum that will serve as a stronger basis for lower primary education.

Following this meeting, the MIE embarked on the creation of a roadmap for the rigorous and invincible pre-primary curriculum. MIE’s experts have formulated a concept paper, roadmap, and budget to guide the entire process of developing and implementing the national pre-primary curriculum.

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